KöR Whitening

Arguably the Most Effective Whitening System on the Planet

How Does Whitening Works ?

In a nutshell, perceived tooth color is an interplay between natural pigment and stain molecules that are trapped within the microstructure of our teeth, and lighting. When we desire a brighter smile, we need a whitening system that forms hydrogen peroxide, which breaks downs to water, oxygen and many radicals known as “bleaching factors” to lighten teeth. Optimal whitening occurs when whitening gels are fully potent (chemically influenced to produce high percentage of free radicals) and are allowed extended time to diffuse through the microstructure of our teeth.

No Lights, No Lasers

If you don’t know by now, there is no science behind bleaching lights. Not only are they ineffective in accelerating the whitening process (which they were purported to do), the photon energy from the bleaching lights also causes pulpal neurons to produce significantly higher levels of Substance P, thereby heightening the pain experience for the patient.

How is the KöR system different?

All peroxide whitening systems are unstable chemicals that breakdown in the presence of heat. This is how they work in our warm mouth, releasing “bleaching factors”. KoR whitening is the first company to constantly refrigerate all their products from the moment of manufacture until you receive them. This not only maintains potency, but also prevents hydrogen ions from being produced (which is “acid” by nature). To further maximize effectiveness, many chemicals in whitening systems cannot be mixed together until ready for use. The KoR system utilizes a tri-barrel configuration instead of the typical dual-barrel system to keep the chemistry stable until needed for activation.

For the first time ever, even super-resistant stains, like tetracycline and fluorosis, can be flooded with high concentrations of “bleaching factors” to ensure that those patients can obtain truly white teeth.

For your eyes of before and after KöR whitening results, please visit:

KöR whitening - Seeing is Believing